
Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter in the Garden

There are lots of lovely flowers and plants in the garden at the moment!  Dashing in and out between the showers over the weekend I managed to get a few photos.

 I love the colour combination of the purple Honesty flowers against the acid green Euphorbia

and the bright blue of the Muscari or Grape Hyacinths - all that remains in the small spring garden I made a couple of years ago

Lovely little violets have self-seeded amongst the gravel - they always remind me of childhood woodland walks

The unusual cream coloured marsh marigolds growing in the pond.

I now know that the plant above is called Bergenia or Elephant's Ears thanks to all the kind people who told me what the plant is on my post about Biddulph Gardens.  Our plant has red edged leaves and red stems unlike the one I saw there.

The bright yellow flowers of the Kerria Japonica are just opposite the conservatory windows and are a lovely cheerful sight at this time of year.

Last but not least a joy to come!  A lovely tight flower bud amongst the fresh green leaves of the peony.  I haven't got it in a cage but took the photo overhead through the support it will need later in the year.


  1. You have so much in flower in your garden! The marsh marigolds are so pretty - I have never seen those before. Lets hope all this rain is going to be good for the garden! x

  2. I love your spring flowers in your garden. It's always lovely to gardens waking up in the northern hemisphere when ours are going to sleep down south. Thanks for sharing.
    Anne xx

  3. Very cheery on a damp bank holiday.

  4. What gorgeous flowers, my faves are the Muscari and the Violets. Suzy x

  5. Its always so lovely to see colour back in the garden - You have some lovely flowers and shrubs there Rosie. xx

  6. Lovely flowers. I know what you mean about dashing in and out between showers, I was doing the same last weekend for a photo competition I had entered.

  7. I'm sure my honesty flowers are white. Lovely to see flowers for Spring, isn't it

  8. You have lots of colour in your garden. I have grape hyacinths and my kerria is in full bloom too. I also have a bright yellow forsythia right outside my window, which gives a lovely splash of sunshine on this rainy afternoon :)

  9. Those pretty violets are stealing our hearts at the moment! Love all the colour and variety you have in your garden Rosie. My muscari are doing wonderfuly well in the soil but the ones I planted in pots have yet to make any show at all! I was too late planting them I think.


  10. Love the lime green of the Euphorbia it sets of the other colours beautifully - my Muscari needs digging up and splitting after they have finished flowering - another job to put on the list.

  11. Lovely garden. I had a late day and it seems that everything I do today is late.

  12. It looks great! Can you believe that after having Tulips and Frittilaria in bloom in March, we're now at the Irises and Wisteria's stage already?! This weather is really crazy...
    Have a lovely week!

  13. Rosie, I do like the colourful contrast in the first picture, it looks very fresh!
    There are not so many flowers in bloom in my garden at the moment... I'm still waiting for their beauty.

  14. Your garden looks lovely, so much colour already! Thanks for sharing it.x

  15. I adore all those plants. We spent Easter in Cornwall and enjoyed different ones, but when we came home it was lovely walking round the garden seeing what was flowering... love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx
