
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

On Looking for Green in the Garden

I found.......

 Hebe (not sure which type)

 Euonymous fortunei  'Emerald Surprise'


Juniper, sadly no berries this year

and Wallflowers


  1. I have very much the sam green plants (but no juniper) and also daffodil shoots coming up dur to the mild weather!

  2. I saw an article on the news that said there should only be 5 - 10 wild flowers showing at this time of year. Apparently they've counted more than 60 in one city. We're due a cold spell soon though.

  3. I have quite a bit of green in the garden at the moment. Even the grass needs a good mow! x

  4. I was just about to leave the same comment as Jan - I also heard on radio 4 this morning that there were 63 different flowers out at the moment, I think the survey had been in Cardiff, or perhaps Carlisle (I wasn't 100% awake!)

    The wassailing event was worth going to and there was a huge turnout. This was the third annual event and I'm sure with such a good turnout, it will be on again next year. Perhaps you could put a reminder at the end of your calendar to look out for it in Jan 2013!

  5. yes I am tempted to get the mower out! have lots of green and some pink as my geraniums are still in flower!!!

  6. I have no shortage of green at this time of year - it's colour I crave.

  7. Isn't that pieris so facinating!? Love it! Everything looks so green and lush. How lucky...

  8. Is there anything more beautiful ?
    Thanks for sharing Your photos !!!
    Hugs from Florida

  9. I;m usually scratching around looking for green shoots at this time of year, but the snowdrops etc are well on their way - I hope they all survive! Ive never thought about planting a juniper - do you use the berries? xxxxx

  10. saw my 'outside' first daffodils yesterday

  11. I have a primrose in flower. The plants are so confused by this mild winter :(

  12. There's a surprising amount of green around isn't there? I have little spots of colour here and there too,winter jasmine, snowdrops, one or two little crocus, pulmonaria, the odd primula flower. Not exactly a blaze of colour, you have to go and look for them but nevertheless they are there.

  13. Roll on Springtime! Happy New Year to you and yours. x

  14. That pieris is looking good. I must go and see how mine is gettig on.
