
Saturday, September 10, 2011

September Garden

We've been busy in the garden clearing things away.  Lots of the plants growing in pots have now found a place in the garden or been disposed of.   The hanging baskets have been emptied and put away until next year.  Many of the pots were full of grass or weeds and the original plants had disappeared.  Some things have done really well this year others have struggled.   One of the lavenders I bought earlier in the year is really struggling the other is doing well.   The Echinacias didn't flower properly each flower having only a few petals on one side and some never turning pink.  I've no idea what caused that!

The table, chairs and parasol are packed away in the shed along with the gazebo which came down a few weeks ago.  I had  a stroll around the garden this morning and took a few photos of the plants that are doing well.   We do have pumpkins!  Not as many as last year though.  The plants have spread their tendrils quite a distance and I found pumpkins nestling in quite a few hidden places.

This one is resting on the pea gravel in front of the raised bed they are growing in.

and this one is resting on the wall of the raised bed!

The one above is hiding amongst the daisies on the other side of the raised bed.

Also lingering in the garden are the Sedum and Crocosmia - still attracting the occasional butterfly!

The Japanese Anemones are still flowering like mad too; we have pink ones but the whites are my favourites.

Outside the wind is getting stronger, the flowers are dancing on their stems, the trees are swaying and the leaves are blowing across the grass.  Although the air is quite warm it really feels as if Autumn  is on the way!


  1. Cute little pumpkins!
    Our garden is still looking great, since we're having proper Summer only since Augustand it had a fresh "haircut" just yesterday, Jasmin, Ivy, etc..

  2. The pumpkins look lovely! They add a lovely splash of colour to the garden. You have reminded me that it is now time to clear up the garden before the winter sets in! Brrrrrr!!!!!!!

  3. I am full of admiration. Tidying-up the garden has been on my agenda too but everything has been so soggy and today we have thunderstorms.

    Your pumpkins seem to be thriving. I hope you will keep the photos coming as they grow.


  4. How cute, your punkins! They seem so well behaved, in such a small space, Rosie-I am always afraid it will take over my raised beds.
    Let's not have any talk of autumn!

  5. It's always sad to be preparing the garden for winter, but that's what's been happening here too.

    Let's hope for a few more warm, sunny days yet.

  6. I know what you mean, its blowy and greyer in the evenings (and sometimes mornings!). I went straight out and bought Rebekkia for the garden and have been pruning and shaping to capture the garden at this diminishing time of year. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  7. My garden's been neglected this year with the depression getting in the way of things. So I don't have pumpkins. Don't have very much really. I could do with preparing for the Spring and putting some bulbs in.

    Your garden looks lovely though.

  8. Hi Rosie, i just discovered your blog after googling Elton! i lived there when i was a child for a few years and your pic of the church brough back sooo many memories.Yes you should go back you would love it.There's Elton hall, i'm not sure if it's open to the public but its nice to look at.If you walk through the churchyard you will come to the primary school though the gate, all old brick, been there for heaven knows how long but i went there! love your blog, great pictures. i live in the US now so dont get any opportunity to go back, so if you do i would love to see your pics!
