
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt - September 2011

It's Photo Scavenger Hunt time again. Thanks as always to Kathy at Postcards from the P.P. for coming up with the monthly challenges.  Here is a link to some of the other participating blogs.

As you can see I managed to get quite a few of this month's photos whilst we were on holiday.  Here are my offerings in no particular order.....

A public telephone box
In the main street, Gunnislake, Devon.  On the seat a statue of a Cornish copper miner.  We stopped here on our way to Morwellham Quay.

Back to School
Way back to school at Morwellham Quay, Devon.  There was a school party in there practicing handwriting earlier in the day.

In the orchard at Cotehele, Devon a really atmospheric house with wonderful tapestries on the walls but I loved the Quay on the River Tamar and the Mill even more than the house.  It is just down from Morwellham on the opposite side of the river.

In the outdoor biome allotments, Eden Project, Cornwall - a harvest of marrows

A pile of things
Rocks on Ness Beach, Shaldon, Devon

A road sign
A sign to warn vehicles they are approaching Blackcat junction, near Dulverton, Somerset.  A very tricky junction it was too!

A view from above
From the viewing platform in the rainforest biome, Eden Project, Cornwall.  It was quite scary up there (the biome is 165 feet tall) as it moved slightly and its was so hot (36 degrees centigrade was mentioned) but we went up in stages in small groups so it was well organised.

Cats have mastered the art of relaxation - well ours have anyway!  When they curl up on your lap they make you relax;  add a glass of wine and 'Downton Abbey', 'The Killing' or 'Who do you think you Are' on TV or a good book to read - relaxation complete!

Your desk/workspace
is just an old washstand in the corner of a bedroom.

 Start of the football season

Britannia Stadium, Stoke City ground. The figure is Stoke footballing legend Sir Stanley Matthews; the whole is covered with ceramic tiles decorated with images of fans' season tickets.  There are hundreds of local faces on there plus a few cats and dogs.

 Something taller than you
Crich Memorial Tower, Crich, Derbyshire.  Memorial for the Sherwood Forresters Regiment (now the Mercian Regiment)
When I was small my step-dad always used to say 'when the Duke of Devonshire stands at the top of Crich Stand he can say all I see I own'.   I wonder if that was true?  I do remember it was always called 'Crich Stand.'   I did go to the top and see trams on the track near the quarry at the nearby Tramway Museum.

What's in your bag?
Not quite the kitchen sink but nearly!  So purse, mobile phone, keys - most important!  Sun glasses, especially in the car and for winter sun as I struggle to see in bright light, also an umbrella in case it rains.  Notebook and pen so I can jot down notes and thoughts about things I see and also to carry info - Scavenger Hunt list for example.  Camera - if I don't take it I'm bound to see something wonderful to snap!  Little fold up shopping bag - extremely useful!  Tissues, hand cream, lip salve and a little tin of solid perfume which matches the one I use, paracetamol - if I carry them I don't get a headache if I leave them behind I'm guaranteed to get one.  I can't travel any distance without a book - I have a fear of being stranded somewhere with nothing to read.  I've missed out the little bottle of hand gel I take in case I can't wash my hands wherever I am!  That's all!


  1. A great set of photos! I must get back into this. Life has been so busy lately that I have been squeezing blogging into spare minutes all over the place just to try and keep up!

  2. What a selection this month Rosie - I love the contents of your bag! Hubby and I went to Morewhelham Quay before we had kids. I remember getting dressed up in sailors gear and going on a boat! I love open air museums. xxxx

  3. Great shots! I love the miner and his phone box.

  4. Great photos again! I like 'back to school' and 'a view from above'!

  5. great photo's... I have been so lax lately well done, they are great and so brave to go up the biodome!

  6. That's really some great "view from above!" Enjoyed your photos...and I have you to thank for getting me hooked on this scavenger hunt. I think I saw it first on your blog back in January. Thanks!

  7. Lovely photos Rosie .... love the back to school! I'm glad school's not like that now! Your view from above is very high!!! I've got to get my list finished today ... I don't think I'll make it!

  8. That black cat would certainly have got my attention.


  9. A great set of photos, I love the road sign.

  10. I love your photos, especially the cat one.
    Anne xx

  11. Love your photos this month - the Eden Project one made me feel quite dizzy!

  12. your view from above makes me want to go to cornwall immediately, lovely lovely picture.

  13. Great shots - love the road sign!

  14. Great photos - interesting ones too!

  15. Lovely photos. I really like view from above and road sign. Also cute kitty!

  16. I enjoyed looking at your photos ~ way back to school is great! Your kitty is very relaxed and you have a wonderful assortment of needed items in your bag. Fun seeing the Scavenger Hunt happening in different locations :)

  17. LOL at the paracetamol thing, but so true!
    Beautiful pics as always!
    Enjoy your weekend

  18. I love the phone box and Crich Stand. That's my sister's local landmark so very nice to see it online. Great selection.

  19. Lovely photos, esp the view from above
