
Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Profusion of Plums

The old tree at the top of the garden is laden with plums

Last year we had about a dozen fruits from it - this year there are too many to count!

We are watching them every day as they ripen and fall so quickly

It is hard to pick them at exactly the right time

We picked a bowl of soft plums this morning to make a plum crumble with.  I expect that over the next few days we will be making jam and chutney which means a trip to the shops for sugar and vinegar and a delve into the box at the back of the garage to find empty jam jars and lids.

We have a profusion of tomatoes too. I think that this week I may be busy in the kitchen!


  1. Oh i love your tomatoes, could you tell me if you grow them in a greenhouse? I have had none (again) this year. They are slow to develop and haven't ripened yet, but i grow them outside. I'm not sure if its possible....

  2. So jealous of your plums! We got one plum, between deer and Japanese beetles, hardly seems worth it, after looking at your harvest!

  3. Lovely plums and tomatoes Rosie. My plum tree was covered in blossom this year but as the fruit developed they all fell off apart from one which fell off a few weeks back! Maybe I will do better next year! x

  4. We have a lot of tomatoes too! It probably means that you've got a lot of sunshine this Summer!
    Have fun in the kitchen!

  5. Hi Oast Farm - yes they were grown in a greenhouse! We start them early in the conservatory and then plant them in the greenhouse as soon as the frosts are over:)

  6. How lovely to have plums and tomatoes in your garden. Looks like you are going to be busy making some nice things out of them. x

  7. Lovely lovely. I have had a really disappointing year in my garden - I am going to do a post about it. I am envious of all your produce.xxxx

  8. Those plums and tomatoes look delicious. Enjoy!
    Anne xx

  9. So glad you don't live where there are bears! They love fruit trees at this time of the year. Stoking up for winter.

  10. Chris J - I'm glad I don't live where there are bears, too!!;):)

  11. Ooh, I love plum jam. I bought a punnet of greengages the other which yielded one jar of jam (though it's more like toffee than jam).

  12. Its been a bumper crop year or apple tree is heaving.

  13. Those plums look so delicious Rosie. I think its been a good year for fruit.

    My tomatoes are only just turning now. I really wish I had a greenhouse! I may have to ripen them indoors.

    Loved your post on The Manor. I can see why you love it so much, I particularly like the herb garden.


  14. Isn't it good to be able to harvest produce from your own garden! I am busily picking blackberries now and watching the apples and pears ripen nicely :)

  15. tell me about it! us too. A brance fell off our tree so heavily laden with plums was it. I posted about it
    your plums and toms look gorgeous! Love Helen
