
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt - August 2011

It's time to show my photos for this month's Photo Scavenger Hunt.  I've struggled with some of the topics this time and  I've taken so many different photos for each topic and have kept changing my mind about them.  Below is the final choice.

 A Boat
The 'Miss Elizabeth' crossing the lake from the Italian Gardens to the Monkey Forest at the Trentham Estate, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent.

A Festival or Funfair
The Steam Carousel in the courtyard at Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire

A Fountain
In the Italian Garden, Trentham Estate, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent.

A Picnic
For a peacock a nice picnic of left-overs at the Blackbrook Zoological Park, nr Leek, Staffordshire

A Sport
Cricket on the village green, Sudbury, Derbyshire.

Selection of Paul's home made bread  (for those interested there is a link to his website on my sidebar)

A maid's white cotton bonnet in the still room, Attingham Park, Shropshire

A Market
A market barrow in the courtyard at Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire

To compensate for there being no mountains hereabouts I went looking for molehills so that I could make them into mountains but I think Mr Mole had closed his building sites down for the summer.  Then, quite by chance, I fond myself near the Shropshire hills so I thought they might be acceptable in lieu of mountains.

Something Ancient
The remains of the forum basilica or exercise hall which was part of the bath house at the Roman town of Wroxeter or Viroconivm cornoviorum in Shropshire. 

Something Bizarre
Bizarre Wares by Clarice Cliff -  an earthenware vase c. 1930 courtesy of the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.

Street Food
Oatie Mostons filled Staffordshire oatcakes on sale in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent

Thanks as always to Kathy at Postcards from the P.P. for coming up with the monthly challenges.  Here is a link to some of the other participating blogs.
 Edit 31/8/11 - I see Kathy has the September list available on her latest post if you want to get cracking on some new topics:)


  1. A really interesting set of photos! I had a ride on the Miss Elizabeth a few years ago! I love seeing places I recognise as much as new places and I recognised the Shropshire Hill straight away after our trip to Wroxeter not long ago! Molehills was going to be my last resort 'mountains' - I expect to see a few for this list, as well as laundry mountains hehe!!

    I think this has been one of my favourite lists and I've enjoyed your photos! I took my final picture (mountains) today and will be posting tomorrow!

  2. Oh that bread looks so good! And I love the bright colors of the carousel:) That's a very intriguing pic with the peacock, Rosie! Thanks for sharing the Scavenger Hunt!

  3. All very good choices...I love the one with the peacock...cheeky bird:)

  4. ..Paul's homemade bread??! Please Rosie, do let us know a bit more about this very interesting stuff! :)
    I've been so brave to take part in swaps, but not at the PSH do visit so many lovely places, I guess it's no so difficult for you to find out the requested topics..

  5. Lovely photos Rosie and very interesting ones too! The picnic for a peacock is very good and Pauls bread looks very yummy especially the one with olives and rosemary!

  6. These are lovely pics - I like the sound of the filled oatcakes especially.


  7. Lovely photos, especially the carousel.

  8. These are lovely photos and I do love that naughty peacock looking for leftovers.
    Anne xx

  9. Oh, the bread! Looks so delicious! Wonderful photos, Rosie! Clever peacock to dine on the leftovers.

  10. As ever - a great selection of photos. I can vouch that Pauls bread is as tasty as it looks. I love olives in bread! x

  11. Hello Rosie

    I love the peacock. I can see the greedy determination in his eyes.
    My favourite, however, has to be the carousel: I can almost hear the fairground organ playing.


  12. Thanks for your comment! I realised I told you I had taken my mountain photo yesterday - my local plan didn't work, so I had to use that one of the Lakes instead but I will be including yesterdays photo amongst the rejects!

  13. Staffordshire oatcakes. Mmmmmmm.

    It always gives me a shock when I see your photos that were taken 'just up the road' from me. OK, so it's the A50 - but it's still a relatively short drive from home. I love Sudbury.

  14. What a fun idea! Enjoyed seeing your pics. Back to browsing your blog to see what else you've been up to while I've been in the garden this summer!

  15. That bread looks far better than mine - I made soda bread for the first time and didn't really realise how dry it would be... Much better with soup!
    Great photos,

  16. Lovely photos! The bread looks so good. Really liked the picnic photo with the peacock. My favorite is the carousel.

  17. The Gallopers are my favourite fairground ride of all time! Plenty of molehills in my garden by the way.

  18. Ha ha ha...making mountains out of molehills...too clever! Love your photos for the month, Rosie!

  19. Great photos - if you want mole-hills just pop round to my garden anytime! They've moved in big-time.
