
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Now Showing.....

in the garden.........

 Hardy Geranium - Ann Folkard

Hemerocallis or Day Lillies

 Hardy Geranium -not sure which variety this is!  I just know that it isn't Johnson's Blue.

 Lavender - Munstead




Hardy Geranium - Ann Thompson

Yellow Loosestrife - is this a weed or not?  If it is quite a bit of our garden is full of weeds!




and what a splendid display it is - even in the rain!

I'll be back soon with more from our holiday in Wales.


  1. You have a lovely display of flowers Rosie. I can't get into the garden today because it won't stop raining!

  2. Love all your flowers. Don't you just love this time of year. I'm in America & this is our best blooming time for gardens. As to the Loostrife, here the purple variety is considered an invasive species & it is being eradicated along roadsides. However, I leave mine go in my gardens. In fact, any weed that puts on a pretty display gets to stay.
    Michigan, USA

  3. Wonderful garden!
    Sadly English seeds don't grow in Italy,due lack of rain and hot weather, the 30 packages I bought to my mum have been a great fiasco :-(

  4. Your flowers look lovely. I'm not sure what's out in my garden as it has rained so much I haven;t ventured out for a few days.:(

  5. Looks like it quite colourful in your garden at the moment! I don't believe in weeds!

    I thought of you and Paul when we were at the Lapworth Museum - I thought you were bound to have visited it before, what a shame you picked a bad day when you tried!

  6. Spooky - I have been taking photos of my garden today too. Yours is looking lovely and really colourful. xxx

  7. Beautiful Rosie. I am sure your blue geranium is the same as I have in my garden, and I don't know the variety either, as mine originally came out of my Great Aunt's garden. How lovely to have your hydrangeas in acidic soil, were on alkaline, so ours are all pink! Funny you should ask if yellow loosestrife is a weed? My dad refers to it as bombsite, as he recalls seeing lots of it as a boy, growing on derelict sites. x

  8. Oh, the smell of honeysuckle on a Summer's evening. I'm putting that down on my must have list. We used to have some growing on an old coal shed which had to be knocked down, and now only have a yellow flowered one which has no scent.

  9. The rain certainly freshened everything up!
    Lovely flowers.

    Sandie xx

  10. This year, my honeysuckle seems more strongly scented than ever before, which I am enjoying enormously. My day lilies haven't flowered yet though and I've managed to kill off the daisies in the pot by the front door! (They forgot to remind me to water them :p)

  11. You have some lovely flowers - I have the loosestrife too so it can't be a weed:) I love the colour of G.Ann Folkard - must treat myself to a plant for next year. Meantime the rain is doing lots of good outside, my garden has been so dry that many things haven't flowered well at all this summer.

  12. I am very jealous of your honeysuckle, thank you for the lovely photos on this grey Monday.

  13. Just beautiful Rosie!

    A weed or a native wildflower - the jury is out, but I have lots of them in my garden ....!

    I've just been transported by your previous posts - you visit such wonderful and interesting places. Thanks for sharing some stunning photos - especially of the coastline and beach.


  14. Wow! Look at all your color! I hope your summer is going well!

  15. Oh!
    Sheer perfection! Just what an English garden should be. I adore the Loostrife - would never think it resembles a weed!
