
Saturday, April 16, 2011

All White in the Garden

At the moment there seems to be a profusion of gorgeous white flowers in the garden

there's some late Victoria Plum Blossom

an Amelanchier or Snowy Mespilus

and a Spiraea Arguta - Bridal Wreath.

All looking wonderful, especially in the fading evening light, but all too soon the show will be over and they will disappear until next year.


  1. What a marvellous display of spring blossom Rosie. Enjoy it while it lasts!

    Marie x

  2. Isn't that the perfect name for that shrub, Bridal Wreath?? I love your white bloom time!

  3. They are beautiful. I particularly enjoy white blossom.

  4. The last plant is stunning! I love how white plants show up in the dark too. x

  5. The white blossoms in spring are always my favorites...especially when they come in the abundance you photographed. I drive around an extra two blocks when I leave my house because there is a row of Bradford pear trees that are blooming right now...lovely! (as are your photos, of course...I got off track before I ever started this one, didn't I?) ;)

  6. I love watching the early spring flowers change. In the very early days everything is purple and yellow - then the whites arrive as if to make way for the profusion of colour that we'll have in summer.

    Your photos are gorgeous!

  7. Lovely pics - it's a great, anticipatory, time of year for trhe garden, isn't it? x

  8. Lovely photo's - Early summer is definatley with you!


  9. You are so right Rosie, white flowers look at their best in the evening light. I just caught a shot of my Amelanchier before it started to snow its blossom! x

  10. Hi Rosie,

    As usual, your garden is looking lovely! My Bridal Wreath was forlorn this year.. just a few meager blossoms here and there. Not sure what happened... last year it was beautiful. Nice to visit with you again!


  11. I thought the 'Spiraea Arguta' was early Elderflower at first — then I looked at the caption. I also feel a heel for not picking up on your fall in the garden until now. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Susan and I are so lazy when compared to you and Paul.

    Only a fortnight to our trip. Look forward to seeing you both.

    All our love.
