
Thursday, March 10, 2011


The week started off quite well.  The weather was good, washing was drying outside for the first time in ages and we'd managed to get things done in the garden.  By early Monday afternoon we were ready to have a walk around the lake at Trentham.  Just before we left home I went outside to bring the towels in off the line and stupidly left the back door open.  Next thing I knew one of the regular feline visitors to our garden, namely Midge, had got into the conservatory and was challenging one of our cats.  I scooped him up and took him outside - very gently I hasten to add - just as I was putting him down on the side lawn he turned his head and bit deep into my right hand.  Ouch! and Ouch! again. He went through the soft skin between my finger and thumb - I could see through the hole he'd made.  I washed it and applied Savlon and a plaster and off we went on our walk.  By the time we were halfway round my hand had swollen quite a bit and was hurting a lot.  As soon as we got home we rang the surgery and I was told to put a cold compress on it and to come to open surgery the next morning.  Next day my hand was red and tingling as well as swollen.  The doctor gave me a course of  strong antibiotics and I had to go back yesterday for a tetanus booster jab.  In the meantime, on Wednesday morning,  I had to go for an eye test and because I've had laser treatment on my right eye (I had a tear in the membranes at the back) I always have to have one of those tests where they put drops in your eyes to enlarge the pupils. So by yesterday evening I was so miserable with myself - sore swollen hand, aching arm after the jab and blurry eyes which bothered me in the light.

Today things don't seem quite as bad, my sight is restored, the swelling in my hand has gone down slightly and it isn't red anymore but my left arm still aches from the jab and I feel so useless and lethargic.  A day for taking it easy, I think! 


  1. Oh, dear, poor you! Hope your hand's feeling better by now - how horrid! Glad your eye's OK. The drops business is awful - my grandsons have to have it from time to time. Abby x

  2. Poor Rosie - you are in the wars. Hope you are feeling better today - put your feet up and take it easy - and throw something at that nastty cat when you next see it!

  3. Oh dear Rosie - and there was I moaning about my day. Compared to yours my troubles pale into insignificance!!! I often get bitten and scratched by Gizmo but just wash the area and put on some Savlon as you did. I hope that you soon feel better. The weekend is nearly upon us!

  4. Oh no! feel so sorry for you, I know what cat bites are like but mine have never reacted like yours!

    Hope you are feeling better soon :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  5. Glad you're feeling a bit better today. I've had those drops, they make you feel very out of sorts.

  6. I have to have those eye drop things every year and they takes ages to wear off. I really hope that you're feeling better soon.

  7. Hope you are feeling better, have a cat nap, get your teeth into something creative, drop everything and don't let anyone needle you... :)) Get well soon.

  8. Take it slow dear...I know all about the eye drops because I have to have them every year...They make me very sleepy..Hope you will feel better soon!
    Get a pear of old shoes to throw at that cat...:)

  9. oh dear, I hope your hand is getting better and your are feeling better to!

    I've had eye problems all my life so I'm very used to the dilating drops but I know all about having blurry eyes and being sensitive to light and its not much fun.

    I hope your weekend will be better!

    Thank you for your comment. My current school is very small, with only three teachers but they have all given me a few things to think about. With only a week to prepare I feel very pressured so the whole weekend will be spent preparing and rehearsing my talk and reading up! I am dreading it, but can't wait for it to be over! I've been into Stoke today shopping for a suit and am doing a practise run to the venue on my way to Wolves tomorrow. It's at a conference centre in Bentilee. I had no idea where it was until this week, but I think it will be easy to find as it's next to Park Hall country park and I roughly know where that it!

    Thanks for your good luck wish and the coffee offer! I'm not sure how many hours I will be there or what state I'll be in afterwards but it may be nice to relax afterwards!

  10. Poor you.What a rotten time.I know all about the eye drops.My daughter is diabetic and has to have this annually.Hope you feel better soon.

  11. What a mean cat! We have loads of local moggies who wander all over our garden, scaring the birds and lying in wait by the pond, looking for frogs or fish. I often chase them away.

  12. oooops! naughty cat! hope you feel better soon and have a brill weekend.

  13. When you've been bitten by a cat, you have to eat cake. It's the law.

  14. Cats are so ungrateful! I am so glad to hear you seem to be on the mend and you will not suffer any major damage!!

  15. OUCH!! I hope your hand heals quickly and your arm stops throbbing soon. It's horrible when things like this happen, so have a good rest and spoil yourself.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Anne xx

  16. Oh Rosie, what a week you've had. I think that you need a day of rest and relaxation. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Marie x

  17. What a horrible thing to happen...I hope that your hand is healing qickly now and that you have recovered from having the eye drops. I know what it is like. Recently, I was asked to save my tea-bags for someone who does not like cats! I have never heard of this before but I was told that she puts the tea-bags round the edge of her back garden.I was assured that it keeps the cats off her garden.

  18. Oh my goodness Rosie, what a horrible thing to happen.

    I'm sure Midge would never have attacked you in such a way if he hadn't been challenging up to your cat on YOUR territory. A natural reaction I guess, but no consolation when you have a nasty puncture in your hand!!

    I hope you are feeling much better now.


  19. Poor you, I'm so sorry to hear about your hand, that kitty is so cute though, why did he behave so bad with you?
    2 weeks ago I was bitten by my dog and I still have the scar on my hand..I was holding some food and my dog was very hungry!
    Hope you're feeling better now
