
Thursday, February 10, 2011

A bit of a Colour Theme

Today was a pottering about and shopping type of day.  Books back to the library, stamps from the post office, coffee at the Museum and some super purchases.

Primroses from a nearby garden centre just 79p each.  Bowls £1 each in the sale at JTF.

Bargain!  On to the wool shop;  I've been longing to start knitting again for ages so today I bought wool - I began to see a colour theme going on.

So to balance the tendency towards lavender I also bought the primroses below!

Right, I'm off to cast on some stitches!


  1. Lovely wool ... what are you going to make?

  2. Beautiful colors in the flowers as well as your wool! I've the same question as Kathy:)

  3. Hi Kathy and Jeanette I'm knitting (I hope)the pattern on the table in the photo - the garter stich jacket - there are more balls of wool still in the shop bag - if I ever finish it and it is wearable I'll show it on here:)

  4. The primulas are so cheerful, aren't they? Lovely wool colour :) Enjoy your weekend.

  5. The primroses are so cheerful! I look forward to see how you get on with the knitting.Thank you for your card which I received today. It cheered me up! Have a lovely (knitting) weekend! x

  6. Love those primroses! Funnily enough, I had an urge to cast on again and bought some wool the other day to make scarf. I've managed to knit about 4 inches so far!

  7. Those primroses (I know them as polyanthus) are a life saver to me in winter. When it's dull and grey, they provide such beautiful bright colours. I love the colour of your wool and look forward to seeing your knitting progress. Have a great weekend.
    Anne xx

  8. I love the lavendar! It's such a delicate shade. The primroses fit the bowl so perfectly!

  9. Get you knitting!! And such an ambitious project! The colour is lovely and would look great with denim. I love all the primulas - they do such a great job of cheering us up for very little money. xxxx

  10. Rosie, you were so worried about balancing your Lavender mum bought 2 boxes of yellow Primroses! 2 I said :D

  11. Colour does have a very uplifting effect doesn't it and it is so good to get a bargain.

    Enjoy your knitting and make sure you show us what you make.

  12. for some reason this post didn't show up on the blogger dashboard page so I didn't see it yesterday.

    Those little bowls are perfect to hold the primulas - they look good and what lovely colours!

    I was disappointed that we missed the snowdrops last weekend so we might try to see them on Sunday. The weather has been a bit better than the forecast every day this week so I'm hoping Sunday will be a nice enough day for it! I can't decide whether to go to Rode Hall or go for a walk where I know there are lots of snowdrops!

    I'm playing with the new camera now so hopefully I'll have plenty of opportunity to test it properly over the weekend!

    Hope you have a great weekend :)

  13. Lovely purchases.I do admire you making an actual garment.I havn't tackled that for ages!Look forward to seeing it finished.

  14. What a gorgeous colour that yarn is! The blue primulas and their bowls are lovely too. I've now read the first two Elly Griffiths books and you're right, they are very good.

  15. how lovely... gorgeous theme and your time spent sounds super - quite envious, would have loved a coffee break to chat with you would have been lovely. Look forward to seeing what you knit. Flower power - am going out to buy some primoses! Love Darcy, Bingley, Helen xxx

  16. You have been busy Rosie, take after your mum.
