
Friday, August 27, 2010

Autumnal August

Yesterday morning we walked in the Oakwood at Trentham.  There was a cool breeze whispering in the trees and rippling through the ferns.  

The air was damp and the ground beneath our feet was soft and  soggy

As we walked there were definite signs of Autumn - leaves tinged with yellow and so many species of fungi.

As we walked we saw evidence of deer, tracks, droppings and antler marked tree trunks;  we followed their tracks for awhile whilst the buzzards and peregrines called overhead.
 Their mournful cries seemed to match the cool, dim, dankness of the day.  Autumn is creeping in early this year.


  1. Pretty fungi! It's lovely to see the first signs of Autumn, but for now I prefer to enjoy the hot sticky weather ;-)
    Happy Birthday again!

  2. I agree - usually it kicks in on cue on September the 1st, but this year it is soooo (tooooooo) early! I blinked and missed summer!! Happy Birthday for tomorrow. xxxx

  3. I have never known such a short and early summer! Autumn has definitely come quickly. The blackberries in my garden are almost finished. Happy Birthday for tomorrow? It is my husbands today!!! x

  4. It does seem as if autumn is almost here and seems to come around earlier each year. Happy Birthday x

  5. Are there peregrines over Trentham?

    I wish Autumn would wait a while!

  6. Yes, I've been noticing signs of Autumn all over where I've been lately... despite the sunshine the winds and the temperature felt very autumnal on our walk today! Lovely as Autumn is, I would have liked just a little more summer!

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. The photo in your header is beautiful!

    Happy Birthday!

    And last but not least, your photos definitely say "Autumn." Terrific.

  8. Gorgeous photos. Autumn, noooooo, we've not has summer yet. Mother nature is taking no notice of my rants.

  9. Thanks everyone for you birthday wishes:)

    Michela - wish we had a bit more hot sticky weather here:)

    Diane -I feel like that too - where did summer go?

    Simone - blackberries are just coming our hee! Hope your hubby had a happy birthday:)

    rosie - 'tis very early this year:)

    Valerie - we thought they were Falcons of some kind and ruled out Kestrels - their call was different to the Buzzards' calls though they were flying together - the wing shapes were different to the buzzard - very pointed at the end and pale underneath:)

    Louise - a couple mroe weeks of summer would have been nice:)

    Deb - glad you like the header photo:)

    Amanda - I know - I keep complaining too but she doesn't listen:)
