
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Here are some of the things that have pleased me today

Fresh flowers from the garden

Pretty foxgloves seen on our morning's walk

At last! A goldfinch tries out our new nyger seed feeder

New cat on the block - don't know to whom it belongs to but it really likes pond dipping!

The first gooseberries - gooseberry crumble anyone?

Healthy courgettes growing in the raised beds - this means tasty courgette bake or ratatouille for lunch or tea!


  1. Hi Rosie!
    Your home/garden looks like heaven to me! Beautiful flowers in a very pretty jug! Remember that also courgette flowers are edible!
    Have a good weekend

  2. Hi Rosie. Your flowers look beautiful. I so like to pick them from my own garden. Don't have too many to do that with but have brought in a few roses. The courgettes are amazing! Mine aren't even in flower yet!
    Thank you for the comment I am so sorry we wont get to meet you. Can't even change the date as am away the 2 Fridays either side. You will ahve to let me know when you come again and I'll see what I can do.
    Jenny x

  3. Your garden always looks so pretty and well maintained compared to mine!

    I am very envious of your goldfinch visitor, maybe I should buy a similar feeder?

    Yesterday we had a buzzard being chased by a heron, high above our garden!

  4. Your garden looks really interesting with lots to keep you busy. I didnt grow any courgettes this year and I am missing them. I think Over Haddon would be perfect for a meet up, but it may have to be early Autumn. It will look spectacular then though. xxxx

  5. The finches in our neighbourhood don't appear to have found the special finch mix I bought for them. I've quite a lot, so I've resorted to feeding it to the woodpigeons! It's a pleasure indeed to have a garden, and be able to pick produce from it. I love cats, but hope your neighbourhood kitty doesn't become a nuisance where the fish are concerned. x

  6. Lovely simple pleasures Rosie - always the best.

    Your courgettes are looking great and look at those gooseberries - I could eat a crumble right now!


  7. I love that jug and the flowers are lovely too. As for the cat pond dipping! He/she is really sweet though I suspect that the reason behind the pond-dipping isn't quite so sweet!

  8. Your foxgloves are such a deep, healthy green. We're having such hot weather that it's stressing the plants and they're in less than top form.

    Your goldfinches don't look at all like ours!

    Gooseberries: made me wrinkle up my face just thinking about their tang!
