
Friday, December 18, 2009

Brr..... it's cold!

We've had some snow! Last night was colder than I remember it being for ages. I've been out in the garden this morning breaking the ice in the bird bath, clearing off the bird table and putting out fresh supplies of nuts, seeds and fat balls. I also put out some meal worms for Mr Robin - he was there within minutes to eat his wormy breakfast.


  1. It was very cold last night. The heating was not enough, I was glad to light a fire. I like robins visiting the garden. The birds will be needing our help with this cold spell arriving!
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  2. I love your robin with his heathers all ruffled. He is a lucky bird to live in your garden, will he be getting any Christmas pud?

  3. Mr Robin knows a good thing when he sees it and that is why he likes you wonderful winter garden, Rosie. You are very caring and sharing and provide him with a delightful home.

    I have enclosed some southern warmth in this message, I hope it helps warm up your toes.

  4. Robins are so lovely and wintery birds, aren't they? We don'thave many Robins here..and if you see one they say it's going to snow!
    Enjoy your festive weekend!

  5. I bet Mr Robin was very grateful for his mealworms! We've had a sprinkling of snow here and the birds have been quite vocal! x

  6. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog today. I was painting a robin yesterday, made pomanders the day before and used to live in Nottingham and miss it dearly - so you can see how much your blog has meant to me - I'll visit again!

  7. Sweet little robin. He looks almost Christmas-y!!

  8. Its not been this cold for ages has it!! I'm loving it though. Its really Christmassy. You prompted me to go and de ice the bird bath!! Minutes later, a very happy blackbird was having a drink. xxx

  9. The snow was off and on here today and I had to keep brushing it off the bird table. I love watching the birds.

  10. Snow here too and very cold. Like you I've been putting out food for the birds including a pair of robins. I've seen meal worms in the local garden centre so I'll have to go and get some to add to the stuff already out there. They've been getting my leftover pastry scraps too.

  11. I'm looking at all these lovely snowy posts. I think Shropshire is the only place in the country that hasnt had any yet!!
    I hope you have and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.
    I'm looking forward to blogging with you next year!
    Susie X

  12. In Eur. as well as on this side of the ocean Jack Frost seems to be reigning! I see you're taking care of Mr. Robin:)
    Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Rosie.

  13. hi Rosie,
    i love your photos of mr robin... and i have just read your above post about your trip yesterday ... -6 !! i am glad you are now back at home in the warm.
    wishing you and your family a very merry christmas.
    ginny x

  14. I can't remeber when I last saw a robin. Love your pics x

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