
Wednesday, November 18, 2009


On Sunday morning we took a long walk in the woods on the Trentham Estate.

The sun was shining after a sharp early morning shower

I found myself gazing up into the leafless autumnal trees

Their discarded leaves lying on the woodland floor, sticking underfoot in the mud and turning from bright copper to dull brown

I loved the blackness of the bare branches against the blue sky

Trees are beautiful throughout the seasons, bright and new in spring, lush and green in summer

awash with glorious colour in autumn and bleakly sculptural in winter

This old tree had split, curled and leaned in several directions

What is it about the shape of trees that is so beautiful and so satisfying?


  1. i love your pictures and descriptions on this post.... i feel like i have taken a walk with you.
    trees are just beautiful

  2. I agree with Ginny, you've a beautiful writing that makes us feel there with you! The sky was amazing!

  3. Beautiful pictures...that old tree is marvelous..I'm still standing..that's what he's thinking...after all these years!!
    Today we have a cold and heavy wind blowing through the tree tops...November storm.
    Happy day Dear..

  4. What a lovely walk! I take great pleasure in taking in the leaves and shape of the trees as I walk along. I think of these trees having been there 100 or 200 years ago and how someone else like me would have walked past them. I love to see the dark bare silhouete of a tree at dusk.

    Isabelle x

  5. I love to be near trees. I find their presence comforting and protecting. Lovely post Rosie. You describe so beautifully.

  6. Hi Rosie,
    Mother nature is a wonderful artist and your photos captured it beautifully.

  7. I so love the trees against that blue sky. Your images are fantastic, and so sharp in colour. You have the same love as us for the outdoors, infact only the other day I took some photos of trees too! It's very difficult to cycle along those leafy tracks! x

  8. Thanks for sharing your Sunday morning walk. Beautiful photos and lovely descriptions.

  9. I love trees too, Rosie. Never can get enough of them, because each is different! The pic with the leaves I also like very much!

  10. I agree. Tree's are very architectural. Lovely walk. I feel as if my lungs are full of fresh air now! xxxx

  11. Lovely photographs Rosie, you should make a calendar with them all.

  12. I feel like that tree at the moment, just need to lie down....

  13. Hi Rosie, what a lovely walk you took. There is something about trees with no leaves on, something very striking. Lovely photos as ususal.
    Rosie x

  14. Like you I love tress in all their seasons but I especially love the tracery of the bare branches against a winter sunset.

  15. Thank you for your visit and lovely sentiment for Thanksgiving, Rosie.
    I am thankful for you and the blessings you bring with your wonderful thoughts and beautiful photos.
    I wish you blessings every day of your life.

  16. Hello Rosie (from another Rosie) - the trees here in France have just about lost all their leaves and they have a few months of naked beauty ahead of them - time to enjoy them for their architecture not their verdance (spelling?)

    Rosie x

  17. Hi Rosie,

    I was out yesterday evening admiring the beauty of the trees ~ it is so much easier to see their structure when there are no leaves.

    This is such a lovey walk ~ thank you for sharing it with us.

    Marie x

  18. Beautiful shots of trees, the curly-one looks like it's doing a difficult yoga-pose!

    Sorry about Tom, your cat....

  19. Beautiful photos! I love trees.
