
Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's Halloween!

Whilst I was speaking to a friend on the 'phone a couple of days ago there was a knock at her door and her husband went to answer it; he came back to say it was 'trick or treaters' who were calling early because they were flying out to Teneriffe on Saturday! Does anyone else think this is slightly bizarre?

Anyway I have a bowl full of little packets of chocolate buttons for all the little witches, elves, ghosts and fairies who may call. The bigger ones wearing scream masks, Dracula teeth or with hatchets in their heads will have to swallow their 'street cred' and manage with buttons too - if there are any left from the first round of little ones of course!

I've dug out my 'Scottish Play' tea towel from the bottom of the drawer, not used all that often, but quite apt for today I think.

However you spend Halloween, have a great time!


  1. That was a bit cheeky in my opinion! Trick or treating should be restricted to the 31st. You were well prepared to have those sweets...I wouldnt have been!

  2. The nerve of some people!!! I am not really into the whole halloween thing but I do make a pumpkin pie and hopefully some pumpkin soup too!!!

  3. Happy Halloween Rosie! Luckily no trick or treaters in the street where I live ;-)

  4. I'm not impressed by the early trick or treaters! Love your tea towel though:) Happy Halloween!

  5. Very bizzar, I think I would have sent them packing.

  6. Hello Rosie! Just to let you know that the fish is about 6 inches long, light gold with a fancy tail!!!

  7. We decorated the garden with spooks and candles and it all looked really lovely. I sat with my cheap French plonk by the Chimenea and had a great evening! Not as many trick or treaters this year, but it was lovely to see the Mums and Dads getting into the spirit and dressing up this year.
    I'm never impressed by Carol singers that arrive too early - its Christmas Eve or nothing for me.

  8. What a delightful photo display of Halloween goodies, Rosie. I particularly like your tea towel.
    I think it was quite rude of your friends visitors to come to her door so early. I don't think I would have rewarded them for their bad manners.

  9. Hello Rosie
    Believe it or not, those pesky youngster came back again on Friday. This time wearing masks, but I rumbled them. For their cheek I rewarded them again. On Halloween, two young girls came in all the gear with their dad in toe to keep a watchful eye on them. Like Simone, we're not into Halloween, although I like the idea of celebrating All Souls Day on 2 November, even though I am not a believer. Perhaps we should reclaim the latter as a way of getting rid of trick or treating — something we never did when I was a child.
    Love Robert

  10. It looks like Halloween is here to stay, partly I believe because of merchandising, there are no All Souls products to be had in the supermarkets yet but who knows what the future may hold! Having said that I now go along with the trend and have sweets at the ready.

  11. That tea towel is fantastic! I need to find something like that. We don't get any trick-or-treaters where we live, so we spent the day quietly at home watching as many horror movies as possible. We also had some amazing pumpkin pie...and today enjoying the leftovers!

  12. It's a shame you are limited to occasions to bring that teatowel out, it's great. No trick or treaters turned up at our door. We ended up eating the Ghostly Ghoulie biscuits ourselves! The Tenerife scenario is pretty strange. Like bonfire night, Halloween may soon start weeks beforehand. x
