
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Butterflies and Berries

Just a few of the delights I saw in the garden today whilst we were cutting back some of the shrubs. The last flowers and butterflies of summer as well as the rich red berries and rosehips - a sure sign that autumn is on the way.


  1. Your garden looks great, even in its autumnal outfit!
    How lucky to have butterflies flying around you, here we have only annoying flies and mosquitos!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Your garden is still looking beautiful despite autumn being just around the corner! x

  3. It is a bittersweet thing to say goodbye to the flowers in autumn. But the multi-coloured clothing of the trees is such a treat to come!

  4. Your garden is looking just like mine Rosie. The birds are going to love the berries. I've spent lots of time outside today, making a start on the great Autumn tidy up! x

  5. I love the colours of Autumn. Really love your banner too Rosie. Is it new or have I just not noticed it before?

  6. Lovely pics,what a delightful garden you have. x

  7. Beautiful Rosie ~ how do you do those collages?

    Enjoy your garden and have a wonderful weekend.

    Marie x

  8. A lovely collage Rosie

  9. LOvely...isn't it a wonderful month, September...I love to work in my garden..butterflies and berries..spiders and webs..the colours.autumn mist..and,in a short while..raking the leaves,well that part I don't enjoy so much because we have a LOT of trees..:)

    O ,and making this great campfires in the garden..the smell of the leaves and wood burning..

  10. Lovely mosaic.
    Have a good week. x

  11. What a fantastic picture! Your garden is both beautiful and alive with wonderful creatures. I loved your layout.


  12. Hi Rosie,
    What a delightful sight...
    I love the mixture of beautiful butterflies and a gorgeous assortment of berries.
    Thanks for stopping by,
    Pam :)
