
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Catching Up

We've been away for a few days into South Lincolnshire and also to Cambridge, I'll report on our visit in a later post; this morning it was time to catch up with gardening - even after only a day or two things have changed.

First I cut the grass which took a lot of effort as it hadn't been done for ages because of the rain.

A job well done, I think. After a coffee break I picked some of the gooseberries which seemed to have doubled in size overnight.

It wasn't until I'd finished picking that I noticed Max asleep under the gooseberry bushes - the cats love it there as it is so shady.

So later I'll be making a crumble or two. One of my friends has passed on some Lady and Saga magazines, hmm .... what is she trying to tell me!

Not only have the gooseberries doubled in size - the tomatoes have too.

So have the beans.

I'll be back later with tales of Cambridge, owls and a rabbit or two, or three or four or........


  1. Hi Rosie, welcome home. Going away is always fun and exciting but there's no place like home...
    You have a marvelous yard and garden, even thou its a lot of work.
    I look forward to reading about your journey ~ be well, be happy :D

  2. I love Gooseberries...especially in a crumble..or a fool!

  3. Such a lovely garden. On a beautiful summer day. I can't wait to hear about the owls!

  4. So thats why I didnt see you in Staffordshire!! You sound as if you are more of a gad about than I am! Really look forward to reading about your jaunt. xx PS loved Staffordshire

  5. Everything in the garden is Rosie!

  6. Gooseberry fool every time for me
    Max reminds me of the big cats at the zoo shading themselves.
    What a majestic pose.
