
Sunday, March 01, 2009

White Rabbits

Did you remember to say white rabbits first thing this morning? Where I grew up in North East Derbyshire we used to say white rabbits on the 1st of March each year, you had to say it before you said anything else and if you could do that it was supposed to bring good luck. Paul, who hails from Nottinghamshire says 'rabbits, rabbits, rabbits'. Does anyone else have any memories of this? Or of any other 1st March traditions?

After a busy day yesterday, shopping in the City Centre, visiting the Museum and then a walk around Trentham Lake in the afternoon, today was a pottering around at home day.

I managed to get quite a bit of tidying up started in the much neglected garden. As I cleared away the dead leaves and plant stems I could see all the new growth coming through, the frogs were active in the pond, the birds were singing their hearts out up in the trees and for a short while, the sun felt warm on my back as I clipped and swept. Meanwhile Paul was busy in the greenhouse with seeds and compost and later with giving the car a much needed wash.

It really did feel like Spring was finally on its way.
I was tempted to cut the grass especially where we have taken the 'For Sale' sign down from the front lawn where the grass had grown around the bottom of the post but I decided it would be better to wait another couple of weeks just in case we have more bad weather. In the end I completely filled the garden wheelie bin and there is still a way to go with the 'spring cleaning'.


  1. Although I am looking forward to getting out into the garden,I have to admit that it is rather neglected too! Here's hoping for some good warm weather... soonish! ;-)

  2. Where I originally come from in South East London we used to say 'White Rabbits, White Rabbits, White Rabbits' on the first day of every month before you spoke any other words! We also used to pinch each other on the first day of the month saying 'Pinch Punch first day of the Month'!

  3. I did actually remember to say white rabbits first thing yesterday for a change, I usually forget. Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits is a new one on me though.
    I am feeling really envious of your tidy garden, I have hardly started on mine. I was quite in the mood to get some done today but it has been cold, wet and windy.

  4. Oh dear I forgot as usual to say white rabbits. One day I will get round to sorting my garden out. The daffodil photo is lovely.

  5. These last few days of warmish sunshine in Nottingham has certainly beckoned us outdoors. My daughter has spent two days just doing a good tidy up after the long winter.

  6. How I wish I had grown up with this charming tradition. I think I shall start it, maybe I have a lot of good luck stored up in wait for me to begin!!

  7. I say "rabbits, rabbits, rabbits, when I remember that is, but only if there is an "R" in the month. I'm from Lancashire.

    Was it St David's day yesterday? I saw people wearing daffodils.

  8. I have just discovered your blog, I cannot believe it has taken me this long! The phrase White Rabbits. I do have a vague memory of my mum using it, although in my mind it was long forgotten. x

  9. I was told if the weather comes in on March first like a lamb, then it will go out like a lion. And in like a lion, out like a lamb. I am in CAlifornia, where I live it came in like a lamb. I always mark the calender to observe. I always enjoy visiting you, come across the sea and visit me. Brook

  10. just wrote a blog post of a house (in Holland) where we lived in, that had a pond - what a joy1 there is so much life around a pond - (visit, you might like that post: the give-away house from the baroness)
    glad I found you!

  11. We always used to say 'rabbits, rabbits, rabbits' on the first of the month. My dad and I are from Somerset but my mum is from Yorkshire, so not sure if it's a tradition from both areas. I forgot this month though!

  12. Rosie, this is one of the sweetest post I have ever seen. You never cease to amaze me! Thank you, you just made my day happier:)

  13. Oh yes White Rabbits is a thing we say every 1st of the month, never mind just march.
    Rosie x

  14. Thanks everyone for your comments - it looks as if most of us utter rabbits x 3 or white rabbits on the 1st of March and other months too, depending where our roots are:)
    The tidied up garden is now covered with a light dusting of snow which came down in great flakes last night.
    Valerie - yes it was St David's Day:)
    Welcome Louise, Brook, Jeanette and Louise T - thanks for your comments - Brook - we have that saying here - March came in here like a lamb too.
