
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Field Walking

Today we ventured out for a short walk to blow away the cobwebs of Christmas and to breath in some fresh country air. The fields reminded me of the first two lines of one of my favourite Christmas carols*

In the Bleak Mid-Winter, frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;

I know the next line is: Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow and that this morning it was just a very heavy frost, but it was cold, it was clear and it was incredibly invigorating. It was also very quiet and peaceful just the kind of simple and contemplative day we needed after this week's festivities.

*In the Bleak Mid Winter - words by Christina Rosetti, 1872 music by Gustav Holst, 1906.


  1. I's good to have a day like that after all the mad rush of Christmas ;-)

  2. I feel guilty now that I didn't go out for a walk today. It was a lovely frosty morning here too. x

  3. One of my favorite activities for this week. Long walks in the cold! I wish you a wonderful holiday week!

  4. I feel brighter just looking at your photos! The hubby and I are about to go out for a walk... but no jacket required. The lovely cold weather and heavy frost we had has gone and it's back up in the seventies today and tomorrow. Ick! What happened to my White Christmas?! :-)

  5. I did go for a winter walk yesterday..I can't remember when we had this kind of winter ears fell of from the cold..:)And my nose was kind of Rudolf Red..Its so much fun..enjoy winter..

  6. Brisk, bracing and crisp are the words that come to mind! It has been a very mild Christmas and holiday season here in Australia.Our walk this morning was actually cold too, and raining.Very unusual.Most people are at the beach usually, but locally, apart from the weather making people stay away, there have been many shark sightings close to shore.I enjoyed the photos you posted.Wishing you all the best for the coming New Year.

  7. I just added a link to the Wassail recipes on my post ...I think you like this site,nice story about the History and tradition of this drink..:)
    Have a Happy New Years Eve..

  8. I think there are lots of these bunkers around the country. I know of another one that is open on the coast from here.

    Like you Ihave been humming the same all through this very frosty season.Amazing how a little frost can make a good photo.

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  9. I love this poem also, I am a great Christina Rossetti fan.

    I hope you have a good New Year Rosie

  10. These are beautiful photographs Rosie, very seasonal too. Must admit I'm enjoying some proper winter weather. Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!

  11. A Very Happy New Year Rosie!
    Looks like a perfect winter walk, hope you had a flask with something warming and some Christmas cake!
