
Friday, November 28, 2008

November Skies

Although I've been getting up and going to work in the dark for the last couple of weeks I'm usually home about an hour before dusk and this week I've been sky watching.

The colours are spectacular and ever changing. In fact, they change so quickly that by the time I've run upstairs, grabbed a camera and got out into the garden they are completely different but still very beautiful.

I love to watch them change from pale gold, to soft pink and then turn more vividly intense before the sun finally disappears and the early evening darkness makes an appearance.

I think this is one of the most wonderful shows nature offers us and we can watch, for free, from our own back gardens.


  1. Beautiful pictures. My youngest son, who is now 19, loved to watch the sunset. He would talk about how beautiful they were etc. I thought...I am going to have a romantic son on my hands, years from now some girl is going to be darn lucky.

  2. I have been watching the sunsets a lot recently too. Your photos are really pretty. There are a lot of things around us that we take for granted. The changing sky has always had my fascination. It is contantly changing and in the blink of an eye the scene is changed forever.

  3. Yes there have been some beautiful sunsets. All that beauty for free yet I bet many people would not even notice !! ;-)

  4. A very different story here today, the sky is gloomy freezing fog.Your photographs would make good studies for paintings I think.

    We tried you leek sausages, very nice but mine looked a bit strange as I had not chopped the leeks enough so they had lots of sticking out bits. I think I will make them burger shaped next time. We had them with sweetcorn relish, delicious.Thanks.

  5. What beautiful photo's of the sunset. Thanks for the leek sausage recipe, tried them and they were delicious.

  6. Simply gorgeous skies, oh wish I could paint!

  7. melody, simone, pamela, sal and duchess thanks for your kind comments on the photos:)

    valerie and rosie glad you tried the recipe - the leeks do need to be chopped very finely or grated:)

    fern - I wish I could paint, too:)

  8. Beautiful photos Rosie! You have the soul of an artist!
