
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cooking Sausages

As Valerie and one or two others asked about the Leek Sausages that I mentioned in my bonfire night post and as I had also promised to share the recipe, we made some for our meal yesterday so I could photograph them. Here are the ingredients:-

Use breadcrumbs, grated cheese, grated leeks, mashed potato, chickpeas, an egg to bind the mixture and of course, seasonings like salt and pepper and mixed herbs if you want. I haven't put any quantities down as you can use whatever you like and just improvise depending on how many sausages you want. It's best to make them fresh on the day you eat them. You can blitz the bread and the chick peas in a food processor.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl until it is dough-like and malleable. Use your hands to roll into sausage shapes and then cover the sausages in more breadcrumbs. This is gloriously messy and sticky but great fun.

Leave the sausages to stand for a little while and then drizzle with oil before you bake them, in a medium oven, until they are lightly brown - about 30 minutes.

Or you can fry them gently in olive oil in a frying pan.

On bonfire night we served them with mashed carrot and potatoes and braised red cabbage. They are also nice with mashed potato and red onion marmalade.


  1. Hi! Came over from Tea Time with Melody and see that you are one of the few English bloggers. Nice to meet you.

    I do like the look of this sausage recipe, especially withleeks and chickpeas. I will try it sometime.

    I like your garden too.

  2. Great..the pictures are also wonderful,you could start a cook blog:)Never heard of red onion marmelade?

  3. Yum, these sound delicious. They sounded vaguely familiar and so I have just been rootling around in my recipe books to find out where I had heard of something similar. Yours sound much better, with ther addition of chick peas and leeks, but it is slightly similar to a recipe for Glamorgan Sausage that is in a recipe book I have, called 'Cheap and Easy' by Rose Elliot. I do like the sound of yours though, and may well have to give them a bash, together with the accompanying veg. Or we could just pop in for tea! Thank-you.

  4. This sounds wonderful. I've never been a fan of sausages made out of pork. But this recipe is a keeper!
    Thanks, Rosie!

  5. Thanks for the recipe Rosie! I look forward to trying these out. Thanks too for the award... such an adorable little award!

  6. Thanks for visiting and commenting. We did not get to Walberswick or Southwold although it was on my list.

  7. OOOH, that sounds scrumptious! Thanks so much for posting this,I will definitely give that a try. Now that our carnivorous son's have flown the nest we are eating more veggie things.

    I enjoyed my recent visit to the Gladstone, it would be nice to meet you one day, maybe share an oatcake or two? I am sure I will bump into you one day, walking the same path.

  8. barbara - welcome and thanks for visiting - Southwold on your next visit to Suffolk?:)

    helen - I love Rose Elliott's recipes - I have her Christmas book which is wonderful - hope you try the recipe:)

    simone - they are very tasty:)

    dutchess - red oniom marmalade or relish is very tasty you can make it with or without a dash of red wine:)

    pamela & teresa - hope you decide to try them:)

    Valerie - hope you enjoy the sausages if you decide to make them. Glad you enjoyed visiting the Gladstone - Oatcakes? Mmm - sounds like a good idea:)
