
Tuesday, October 28, 2008


......just thought I'd let you know

......that we have snow.

I don't think it will linger!

I think that soon it will go.


  1. Not enough for a snowman ?!
    It's certainly colder,here in Devon but the sun is out as I type!
    Hope your day is good ;-)

  2. I thought the weather forcast people where exagerating when they said some places might have snow.It seems too early but how wrong I was. We had a sprinkling of frost here in Kent that was all.

  3. Oh, it's beautiful! Hot tea, warm muffins, a little Mozart perhaps! A perfect day ahead for you!

  4. I can't believe you got snow! This happened in a dream I had two nights ago...a light dusting of snow.

    Oh, just so you know, I've tagged you over at In the Wee Hours. :-)

  5. All we have had is cold cold rain.

  6. The north wind shall blow and we shall have snow, wasn't it nasty, brrr.

  7. Oh, these pictures are great. Just a light top layer of snow give your garden a fresh crisp look. Beautiful.

  8. We had snow and I live on the outskirts of London where it is normally mild! I am looking out of the window at a group of mushrooms atop with snow! Very perculiar in October. The day before I was in the garden with bumble bees!

  9. How lovely! Looks like something out of a storybook... a sprinkling of fairy dust? If you have any extra snow... please send it our way! :-)

  10. The first snow...always a special moment..
    It was really cold at the Hilltop the last few days..but those days,but..back to rain in the weekend:(So I better do my shopping today)
    Have a lovely weekend..
