
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Instead of Housework!

I've been playing around on the computer instead of getting on with jobs around the house that ought really to be done. I can sometimes be a great procrastinator; all the years I was studying with the Open University and the Museum's Association I used to clean things that didn't need cleaning before I could settle down to write an essay, now it seems I'll mess around on the computer instead of getting on with the cleaning. The trouble is that I found a super link on Lois's blog for how to make your own magazine cover so I just had to have a go.

I decided to make it seasonal and to base it on the thing I seem to write about most on this blog which is walking, choosing the county we visit most, Derbyshire and using the same places that I've visited in some of my posts. Anyway, here it is, at least it looks suitably Autumnal.

I've used the photo of the tree I used on the Walking in Baslow post, taken in Chatsworth Park. Would it catch your eye on the newsagents shelves? Hmm .... I think it may be back to the drawing board!


  1. What a great alternative to housework! Yes, it would definitely catch my the colorful leaves. When can I expect my first copy? :-)

  2. sounds like fun, I think you have done a great job for your first go.

  3. I adore your magazine cover, and if would definitely entice me into purchase!

  4. I think it's great... but do you mean back to the drawing board ..or do you mean back to the ironing board?!! ;-)

  5. thanks, everyone - I did enjoy doing it although the programme almost produces one itself really :)

    sal - it ought to have been the ironing board really - the ironing is still lurking accusingly in the basket:)

    pam - welcome and thanks:)

  6. Great job...looks like a fun thing to do ..I am not going to try because i am already spending to much time working on my computer!
