
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Well I Never

We are going to have lots of plums this year, the branches are heavy with fruit so we will be able to make pots of jam and plum crumbles. Lovely!

We also have black currants, the blackbirds are feasting themselves on these but we have enough to make a few pots of blackcurrant jelly.

The lavender can be dried and used for lavender bags.

And, I can't quite believe that we have an olive, can you spot it? I bought this plant as a little cutting from Woolworth for 99p not really expecting it to do much of anything but look at it now.


  1. Yes, I see the olive, but don't show my husband or he'll pick it and eat it!...actually, I wonder how they taste right off the vine? I've only had them from a can. :(

    Love the photo of the rain in your previous post...I try to tell myself during long bouts of rain that its better than a drought...for what that's worth!

  2. Lucky you having all those plums - my tree hasn't got many on this year but the apple trees are laden. It's amazing what will grow in this country, my neighbours have a large fig tree which always seems to have lots of ripe figs every year. They are Italian so maybe they have some secret knowledge about growing figs:)

  3. Hi there!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    I love your other blog as well..the seats are fab! ;-)

  4. Hi Rosie,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog too.
    Your garden looks lovely, mine is quite new so we are only just starting to get some fruit, hopefully there'll be more next year.
    Lavender is one of my favourites but I have to grow mine in pots as it doesn't like our heavy clay soil.
