
Thursday, November 01, 2007


After the mellow mood of yesterday, today has been a day of doubt and frustration. Perhaps tomorrow will be different again.

Taken today at 4.30p.m. from our front garden

The Devil's Cake I mentioned yesterday was so easy to make and is delicious. The 1st November means 'Happy Birthday' to my friend P and my brother-in-law M - hope you both have a wonderful day.


  1. You've been doing sky photographs as well, from early cloud it developed into rather a nice late afternoon didn't it? Tomorrow is another day, think positive:)

  2. Wow! What a picture! Fantastic!

  3. thanks for the kind words.
    I love the skies at this time of year something strange and wonderful happens to them.

    rowan - I've looked at your sky photos - all mellow and pink and beautiful - so different to the sky over here :) Will pop back and comment later today.

  4. Amazing picture of the sky! I remember when I was over there in England noticing that your clouds are a lot lower than ours here. Must be altitude or something. It looked really neet though. Glad to hear your Tommy Tank is feeling better!

