
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Selling Houses

Ever since we reduced the asking price on the house we have had several viewings and lots of encouraging feed back from the estate agents. The last two couples to view have both expressed an interest. Couple one have to sell their house first, they really want this house because it is on the same street as the girl's sister and they have their son's name down at the local school. Couple two have sold and are in rented accommodation. Couple one walked by on Sunday just to have a look - I was on next door's drive chatting to my neighbour when I saw them - and have phoned the estate agents a couple of times to see if we have had any interest or offers yet. In the meantime couple two are sorting out their finances and coming back for a second view. My heart says that I would like couple one to buy the house but my head says that if couple two make an offer then we have to accept it as we need to lose our mortgage as soon as possible. We are venturing out to look at some houses at the weekend because if couple two do make an offer I'm guessing they will want to move pretty quickly. I don't really enjoy all this.


  1. Hello - As you will know from my blog we too are moving and getting rid of the mortgage. We got a letter on Wed from our solicitors saying that the owners of the house we want to buy wont send any paperwork to my sol. because they havent found anywhere to live yet. They told us they would rent if they couldnt but it sounds to me like that wont be an option - I think I am just waiting for them to pull out and stay where they are - so we are going to look again at our second choice house. Its funny I am not as gutted as I thought I would be at maybe losing the first choice - I think I was not convinced they wanted to sell, Alan syays its cos we pointed all the things we loved about it and they hadnt noticed them until we raved over them ( Iknow you arent supposed to tell the sellers how much you olve somewhere but I dont do aloof!)Anyway the good news is that our buyers have 3 couples this weekend to view their house - just think if the agetns hadnt taken 12 days to readvertise it they oculd have viewed ages ago - agents are my grump at the moment.

  2. It is hard, isn't it - seeing something you want and things not going smoothly - I think that is why I'm cautious about looking at houses before we have an offer in case I see something I really want - Paul is more practical than me in this respect - he says we can make our home anywhere and I sort of agree but it has to 'feel' right, too. I hope your buyers get buyers and that you decide that your second choice of house will be the one you both want. Good luck.

  3. Hi Rosie - we viewed our second choice house toady and wondered why it had been 2nd - it was lovely so if our buyers get buyers this weekend we are going to go for this one. It needs Gas CH but Kates fiancee is a plumber! It was lovely and light and sunny and although the decor isnt quite to our liking its very clean and we can move straight in. There is a lvoely hardwood conservatory - not posh just plain at the end of the living room and it would be lovely in a soft Farrow & Ball Green.....dream dream. i know what you mean in your latest blog about the dormer one catching your eye - I like to think someone hasd been happy in a house and prisitne isnt always best - I can see beyond tatty etc.... best of luck with your sale.
