
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The last few days

On Sunday we decided to drive to Leek over the Roaches past the 'winking man' and on to Buxton. There was still a lot of snow around on the hills but Buxton itself was wet and slushy.

We had a wander around the town, a mug of coffee and a muffin in the shopping centre and then walked up to the Pavilion. There were some beautiful orchids in the glass house.

Then we drove back over the hills via Earl Sterndale, into Hartington and back towards home. The views were spectacular.

Today we decided to drive over to the Air Museum at RAF Cosford to see the new displays but when we got there we were diverted by the police because there was a security alert at the air base and museum. We ended up for lunch at Norbury Junction and looked at the canal boats instead.

Oh well, boats instead of planes. The lunch was very tasty but the weather was very cold.

Off to Nottingham tomorrow to visit some friends one of whom is just starting up a blog - so watch this space for a link.


  1. Rosie,
    You should have posted a picture of your lunch!!!
    Be safe and post pictures of Nottingham!!

  2. Rosie and P,
    The kettle's on, the bollards down, so we're waiting and that blog you refer to won't get started without your help.
    Love Robert

  3. hi sissy, never thought of photographing the lunch:) Maybe next time.
