
Monday, September 25, 2006

Jane Again

I was in two minds whether to watch yet another adaptation of Jane Eyre last night. But, having walked around the whole of Trentham lake yesterday afternoon and lulled by a tasty evening meal and a lovely hot bath I snuggled down to watch.

I have great attachments to the book having studied it at school for GCE (as they were then) and because after that my education went down the unconventional route of A levels at night school and a degree with the Open University I found myself studying the book three times. So you might say that I know the work inside out, back to front and upside down.

I did find that they ‘hurried’ the early childhood stages along just a little too quickly and anyone not knowing the story could have been slightly confused, especially the Helen Burns friendship and her influence on Jane, but apart from that it was ravishing. Not having to concentrate on the plot I found myself gazing in awe at the familiar scenery and settings in the background. Places I have been familiar with for most of my life. Bolsover Castle, the setting for Lowood School, was just 3 miles from the village I lived in for many years. Ilam Church is just half an hour away by car from where we live now, and what can you say about Haddon Hall, the setting for Thornfield? I have happy memories of the twice I have visited it and we often pass it by on our way to Rowsley to buy flour at the mill. I feel another visit coming on but I guess it may have to be next season.

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