
Monday, September 11, 2006

How Time Flies

Just realised that it's ages since I posted on here. Since the last entry, I've had a birthday and also managed to get back into Wales for the annual 'get-together' with former colleagues, now friends, from the Museum we all used to work at. This should have taken place in April but P's son had to go into hospital. We had a lovely time because we always stay at Maesyfed B&B which also has a Victorian Shop Museum and an arts and crafts gallery.

For my birthday I had flowers, perfume, a book '1599 - A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare' by James Shapiro, a CD - American Idiot by Green Day and a key cabinet in the shape of a three story house which is the exact same colour as the kitchen walls and looks as if it has always been there. I don't know what this assortment of items says about either me or my friends and family - but I'm enjoying them all.

Just had a long power cut which left washing sloshing about in rather grey soapy water in the machine for ages now have to go to the vets with my next door neighbour - and her cat, Spit - (long story), I'm very afraid it may be bad news, so I think she needs some support. I need to go and cuddle my cats first.


  1. Rosie,
    What is a key cabinet?
    Happy Birthday to you!
    I hope the neighbor and her cat are well, you are very thoughtful to go with them!
    Keep posting with news about it!!

  2. Hi sissy,

    A key cabinet is a small cupboard with hooks in to hold all your household/car/work keys etc. I'll photograph it - it is very pretty :) I promise to post news of Spit the cat who is having an operation today.
